Lasagna rape e salsiccia

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 250 g lasagna;
  • 500 g béchamel sauce;
  • 1.5 kg turnips;
  • 700 gr sausage;
  • 400 gr Fior di latte mozzarella;
  • Parmesan cheese to taste;
  • 3-4 cherry tomatoes;
  • Salt to taste;
  • L’Equilibrato EVO Olive Oil to taste.


  • Wash and clean the turnips
  • Boil the most tender leaves for about 10 minutes. Once ready, drain them and put them in water and ice to keep their green color.
  • When done, blend the boiled turnip leaves with L’Equilibrato EVO Olive Oil and a little cooking water (previously kept aside) until creamy.
  • Stew the turnips with L’Equilibrato EVO Olive Oil, a little onion, cherry tomatoes and a bay leaf.
  • As soon as they are ready, set them aside.
  • Next fry the sausage, skinned, and set aside.
  • Now that all the ingredients are ready, we proceed to the composition of the lasagna
  • Start by placing a layer of béchamel sauce and turnip cream on the bottom of a baking tin and then add the lasagna sheets, the crumbled sausage, turnips, béchamel sauce and turnip cream.
  • We proceed in this way until we run out of lasagna sheets.
  • We complete by adding a final layer of béchamel sauce, turnip cream and Parmesan cheese to brown and crisp up the top.
  • Bake in a static oven at 180° for about 35-40 minutes