Ingredients for 4 people

  • 320 gr of scialatielli-type pasta
  • 400 g shelled broad beans
  • 200 g speck
  • 1 garlic clove
  • L’Equilibrato EVO Olive Oil to taste;



  • Blanch and husk the broad beans.
  • Fry the peels as soon as they are removed. Keep aside.
  • In a pan, add a little L’Equilibrato EVO Olive Oil and a clove of garlic to brown the speck in strips and make it crispy.
  • Keep aside.
  • In the same pan cook the broad beans over a moderate heat for 4/5 minutes and then blend together with a few tablespoons of L’Equilibrato EVO Olive Oil until smooth.
  • Boil the pasta until al dente.
  • Finish cooking in the cream, and add a little cooking water.
  • Serve by adding the crispy bacon and broad bean bark chips.
  • If desired, complete with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.

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