Potato and artichoke casserole

Ingredients for 4 people 800 g potatoes; 7 medium-sized artichokes; 300 g fresh sausage; 250 g smoked scamorza cheese; parsley; garlic; salt; mixed pepper; intensely flavoured Il Maleducato EVO Olive Oil white wine grated cheese; PROCEDURE: Peel the potatoes, cut them into slices about 1 cm thick, blanch them in hot water for 2 minutes […]

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Lamb with artichokes

Ingredients for 4 people 8 artichokes; 1 clove of garlic; 1 glass of white wine; 2 glasses of water; parsley to taste; Parmesan cheese to taste; L’Equilibrato EVO oil to taste.; salt to taste; Procedure Wash and clean the artichokes. Cut them in half and place them in an oven dish together with the chopped […]

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Mussels Gratinated

Ingredients 1 kg mussels; 150 g breadcrumbs; 80 g L’Equilibrato EVO oil; Parsley to taste Pepper to taste Garlic to taste   Procedure: Clean and open the mussels. Place them on a baking tray without the shell on which the mussels are not attached. Season the mussels with chopped parsley, garlic and pepper to taste. […]

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Pumpkin roll

Ingredients 8 eggs 5 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 500 g pumpkin 5 sage leaves salt and pepper to taste EVO l’Equilibrato oil to taste   For the filling 200 g Stracchino cheese 150 g speck   Procedure: Grate the pumpkin and keep aside. In a bowl, break the eggs, season with salt and pepper, add the […]

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Baked fennel cutlet

Ingredients 2 fennels; 2 eggs; Flour to taste; Breadcrumbs to taste; Salt; Il Gentiluomo EVO Oil;   Procedure: Clean the fennels and cut them into slices of about half a centimeter. Dry the slices well. In a dish, beat the eggs with salt. In a second plate put the flour and in another the breadcrumbs. […]

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Peppered Mussels

Ingredients 1 kg mussels 4 or 5 cherry tomatoes 1 clove of garlic; Parsley to taste Chilli-flavoured Il Guastafeste EVO oil to taste   Procedure: Clean the mussels well, removing any impurities from the shells. Wash them with plenty of water. In a large saucepan put the chopped cherry tomatoes, garlic, chopped parsley, addChilli-flavored Il […]

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Octopus and potato salad

Ingredients 1 kg cleaned and curled octopus; 5 medium-sized potatoes; 200 g cherry tomatoes; 1 onion clove; Monovarietal Ogliarola Salentina EVO oil; Parsley to taste; Salt to taste; Pepper to taste; Lemons to taste;   Ingredients for the emulsion 25 g lemon juice; 35 g Monovarietal Ogliarola Salentina EVO oil; parsley;   Procedure: In a […]

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Stuffed aubergines

Ingredients 4 aubergines; 1 egg; 150 g mozzarella in pieces; 200 g tuna au naturel; 200 g minced meat; Parmesan cheese to taste; Capers to taste; Salt to taste; Pepper to taste; L’Equilibrato EVO oil; Chopped parsley to taste;   Procedure: Wash the aubergines and cut them in half lengthways. Remove the pulp from the […]

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Stuffed cuttlefish with sauce

Ingredients 1 kg cuttlefish 2 stale bread rolls; 2 eggs; Parsley to taste Grated Parmesan cheese; Il Gentiluomo EVO oil to taste; Salt to taste; Pepper to taste Garlic to taste Onion to taste;   Procedure: Soak the stale bread rolls in water. Clean the cuttlefish by separating the head from the body. Leave the […]

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Octopus au gratin with pesto

Ingredients 1 kg octopus; 150 g breadcrumbs; 1 glass of basil pesto; L’Equilibrato EVO oil to taste; Pepper to taste; Grated zest of one lemon;   Procedure: Chop the octopus, separating the head from the tentacles. Pour the breadcrumbs and pesto into a bowl and mix to form a homogeneous mixture. Bread the tentacles with […]

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